Neuroscience is the study of how the nervous system functions. There are many fields that can be studied, including neuropsychology and neuroanatomy. A lot of neuroscience research is required to be a major in this field. This will help you get a B.S. or Master’s degree. It is important to find great neuroscience research topics that are innovative and push the boundaries of the discipline.

It can be hard to come up with topics for neuroscience papers on your own. This is especially true if you have other responsibilities. This list includes 50 original neuroscience topics that span a broad range of subjects.

Cool Topics in Neuroscience For College Students

You can impress your professor by sharing a research project that other students can relate too.

Heavy marijuana users are more likely to have lower levels of dopamine.
What are the effects of dietary supplement on aging? Is it possible to reverse or create a placebo effect with dietary supplements?
– In which ways does PTSD from the Gulf Wars affect chronic Fatigue Syndrome in people who are not military personnel?
What negative effects can depression treatment have on patients?
How can the brain heal from trauma caused by physical injury?

Current Topics for Neuroscience All Levels

It is always a good idea keep up to date with current topics. Here are some things that you might find fascinating:
Discuss depression’s effects on the whole organism.
How does manipulation of brain neurons help to improve memories and remove bad ones?
Human physical therapy may be possible if nerve stimulation is able to improve human consciousness.
What have the latest developments been made in the treatment of emotional pain?
Is it possible to target specific nerve centers in order to treat chronic pain in older patients?

Some Impressive Neuroscience Topics

Research is key to neuroscience. These five ideas will grab the attention of your audience.
– Discuss the negative effects of the internet on human memory. People can reverse the damage by disconnecting.
How do emotions influence the interaction between humans and social media connections?
What are the dangers of young adults having a high IQ? Think about the expectations and pressures young adults face.
What effects does gut bacteria have upon emotional health?
– Describe the way an atheist might see neurobiology theories and concepts.

Students in Grad School of Behavioral Neuroscience

These topics in behavioral neuroscience are perfect for students completing their master’s degrees.
– A new study into human behavior has revealed that there are four types of personality. Are you in agreement?
What are the effects of infectious diseases on the behaviour of Alzheimer’s patients?
What has behavioral neuroscience changed in the past decade because of the controversial topics being studied?
Describe how the X-syndrom affects mental development of fetuses. What is the best way to identify mental retardation at its earliest stages?
– Explain how neurons interact with one another and impact mental health in adults. What can be done to improve mental health by manipulating neurons?

Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience Research

These research ideas can help you finish your neuroscience paper project in no time.
Describe how bacteria forms in the gut and how it affects fatigue.
– Describe the effect of LSD on language in both short-term and longer-term users.
– What is the relationship between head injuries and injuries sustained by professional athletes?
What are the effects of stressful memories on stress levels?
– Define the simple algorithms that make it possible for intelligence to be achieved in the brain.

The Neuroscience Controversy:

Writing on a topic that is interesting to your audience is the best way to grab their attention.
– What are the effects of high-impact sports on young adults and teenagers (e.g. Soccer and ice hockey
How does neuroscience impact the development and treatment of patients with chronic physical conditions?
Compare and contrast frontal and parietal brain lobes, and see how they impact multi-lingual skill development.
– What changes are needed to improve the neuroscience research?
What does alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs do to the body’s ability to make dopamine?

Neuroscience hot topics

Here are some of the most talked about topics in this field. See if anyone interests you.
How do professional athletes who play in contact sports sustain more head injuries than those that are not?
How can the treatment of schizophrenia symptoms be reduced by focusing on the right or left hemispheres of your brain?
Lucid dreaming can help people quit smoking or overeating. Is this therapy possible for other health issues?
– Why is some memory permanent and others temporary? Does any evidence support the idea that memory retention can be improved?
– Explain how visual perception can alter the functioning of short-term memories. Do you think this will help children remember more effectively?

Neuroscience has many interesting topics

You can capture the attention of a reader by keeping them engaged in your research. These are some ideas to get you started:
What is the best way to prevent Alzheimer’s from spreading?
What are the leading causes of anxiety and fear in young adults? Is there a way to rewire your brain?
– How does hippocampus impact imagination? This is what role does it play in leaders.
Is it possible for religious beliefs to affect the brain’s ability to produce melatonin from drug or medical use?
How does caffeine influence the work performance of people? Does caffeine addiction make it less productive in the workplace?

Learn more about Cognitive Neuroscience topics

Here are some additional research ideas to help you with a short term project.
What does LSD do to the brain’s cognitive function? What long-term effects does LSD have on the brain?
Recent evidence has shown that prolonged use of hearing aids can have negative side effects. Are you in agreement with these findings?
What effects does cannabis excessive use have on self-control in brain areas that are responsible for this trait?
What mental risk do high-impact athletes face? Is it more common for young adults to be at higher risk?
– Discuss the relationship between brain chemistry and postpartum depression in first-time mothers.

More topics in behavioral neuroscience research

These neuroscience topics are excellent for research at the graduate and college levels.
How does fish eating affect brain development? How does fish consumption affect pregnant women’s behavior?
What are the current trends in language development and formation?
– Examine the relationship between young adults suffering from head injuries and parents who feel that sports are dangerous.
How can depression patients deal with pains and injuries that are directly related to mental disorders?
How do brains distinguish and process different types speech?

The neuroscience topics above are free to use. These topics can be modified in any way and used as a starting point for your own neuroscience topics. Share them with your class and don’t be afraid to use them as a starting point for your own assignment.


  • sofiawright1

    I'm Sofia Wright, 34 years old blogger and professor. I love writing and teaching, and I'm passionate about helping others learn and grow. I'm a self-taught speaker and writer, and I'm constantly working to improve my skills. I believe that knowledge is power, and I want to share my knowledge with as many people as possible.